What are we up to
in Soul Writing?
We are here
(in this world, and also perhaps at the page)
because life wants to express itself through us.
We know this is true because when it happens,
it feels good.
There’s all sorts of stuff that mucks up the works of that flow…
especially criticism, inner and outer.
(Or, more accurately, outer that has become inner.)
That feels bad.

All aspects of Soul Writing are meant to restore the flow of your expression…
carving through all the flotsam that has gathered over the years you’ve been on this earth.
(And heck, maybe even previous lifetimes, who knows?)
How it works
All Soul Writing gatherings go something like this…
After a brief orientation, we write a piece based on a prompt. Then we read our work aloud, and hear what everyone loved about it.*
Depending on time, we do 2-3 rounds of this.
(*No, they’re not “just being nice.” You’ll see.)
That’s it!
The process is supported by some light guidelines that ensure there’s plenty of space for creation and kindness—
and zero room for the inner critic.
It is amazing how deep the writing can go—and how quickly—in this kind of holding community.

And you wouldn’t believe
what gets created in ten minutes or less.
We show up to Soul Writing to practice, not produce. That said, many fully finished pieces are born of this process, like this one …
I can’t know…
by Anna Bray
As I make my lists of what I want / what I love (followed by what I don’t want and what I will say no to), I can’t really know – not for sure anyway – what this dreaming will manifest into.
And yet, I continue to dream, I continue to strive, I continue to create.
That inner critic in me likes to ask, “will you ever be happy or content? You are always looking for something else, something more!”
But, off you go, inner critic!
It's thoughts like these that keep me from accessing the truth of my wants.
Wanting is something I have been flirting with lately.
I found a post-it note that I wrote sometime not too long ago that said, “strengthen and grow the muscle of wanting.” Hm. Interesting. I’ve been flirting with the idea for a while now, so it seems,… not just in the last week.
And so, I drop in. I let go. I release that internal board of directors.
I don’t need to run my ideas by them!
I can’t know. Again, I truly cannot know, what they would even say anyway! It’s pure speculation what happens in that board room.
And so many things are out of my hands anyway.
I may have written this before – because it was so poignant and applicable to so many life circumstances – But I had an uncle once say in a family email, “Pray like it’s all up to God and act like it’s all up to you.”
And yes! I like that balance.
It's not all one or the other.
We can just let go and let God.
We have agency, we humans – and responsibilities.
We also can’t control everything either.
So, I strive to find that balance.
Because I just can’t know what is ahead or around the bend.
Hear From Soul Writers…