Community Blog
These posts were all written by someone in a Soul Writing group or workshop in ten minutes or less—really!
Not only that, what you read is virtually unedited from the original, timed writing. Several pieces often have the same title since groups write together on one prompt. Join us anytime to try it out for yourself. For now, happy reading.
From within
I practice now, descending on five breaths to touch bottom, ideally having shed topside mind and any thoughts that feed on my untended wounds, to find her…
Something I haven’t thought of yet
“If you bring back a deer,” I said, “you will eat a deer.”
I pretend not to…
There is a delicate thread when you are performing that you must pay attention to. Don’t tear it.
A conversation with myself
Looking down the years, along the thread my heart has measured, beat by beat, this question has come up occasionally…
The power of…
The power of sharing food is so simple. Plucking one ripe berry, or a dozen, from the bushes in the back yard.
The power of / Continuous cycle
This is my dearest, favorite thing about people, I decided.
This body of mine / Maybe I should have
I have yet to learn to love this body of mine, just as it is. The message from early was that it wasn't even mine.
The way I know to heal
The only way I know to heal is this. To pick up this pen and connect it with this paper…
Don’t be too sure
“How do you spell stubborn?” I asked, wanting to know if there were two Bs or one.