Aligned Writing

Six weeks to connect to your true(r) voice


3:30-5pm Pacific / 6:30-8pm Eastern on Zoom

$295 if you register by April 1
$325 after

Have you noticed?

In these very weird times, folks (including you, maybe) are asking some very important questions, like …

  • What is mine to do, to say?

  • What does living in alignment look like for me?

  • What even is true anymore? How do I know?

  • How can I inject some light into the darkness of now?

In this series you’ll explore, through writing, what alignment is for you.

Soul Writing groups are safe, compassionate spaces to explore what is true for us.

Over these six weeks we’ll practice feeling into what is true for us—like, in our bodies—and experiment with ways of writing from that place.

As with every Soul Writing event we’ll write based on prompts, share, and have our work witnessed and celebrated by our friends.

By the the end of the six weeks you will have a body of work that can serve as a kind of map to what is indeed yours to say, express, offer, do… and what unconsciously might be getting in your way.

This series is for you if …

  • You’re sitting with questions like the ones above and want a different way of exploring them.

  • You crave a deeper, more centered connection with yourself, so you can stay anchored and less carried off by all the noise.

  • You’ve never written a word and are curious about what your writing voice sounds like—we welcome beginners!

  • You’re thinking about sharing your (much needed!) voice with the world in print, on stage, on video, in conversation.

  • You just love Soul Writing and want a six-week dose.

$325 $295 through April 1

What you’ll get

90 minutes a week of dedicated writing and sharing time

An online space to share, get feedback, and stay connected between sessions

A copy of the book Soul Writing: Connecting to Essence

The chance to create a body of work that points to your authentic voice

A warm community of kindness, support, and creativity

The start of an ongoing transformative writing practice

Also available …

Discounted coaching sessions with Joy

Get extra support with your writing, talk through what is coming up for you in the exploration, or anything else.

Any time during the series you can grab 45 minutes with Joy at a deeply discounted rate of $90.

Start to explore & express what is true for you.

Aligned Writing

Thursdays, April 17-May 22
3:30-5pm Pacific on Zoom
325 $295 through April 1

Not sure yet?

Come learn what makes Soul Writing powerful at a Mini-Retreat.

These two-hour workshops are a great first step to get a feel for how this work and community can help you get unstuck. They’re offered one Saturday a month on Zoom. Learn more.