Joy’s Writing
Dear muses
Dear Muses, I’m stuck. You know this. You know because you’ve been knocking on the door, calling and getting a busy signal, sending registered letters that get returned. No such addressee. Return to sender. No solicitors. Go away. I’ve refused you.
We can’t breathe
We can’t breathe because this culture is dying and we don’t know how to grieve it. We haven’t been taught that. We’ve been taught to act, fight, fix, deny. We know how to long for how things used to be.
The agony of conscious incompetence
Unconscious incompetence is when our blind spots are still blind, and we’re blissfully ignorant of what we’re capable of growing into. Conscious incompetence is the stage when we are aware of the thing that needs to shift but we haven’t yet shifted.
None of our business
However life chooses us to be of service in it has absolutely nothing to do with us.
Let it break
A few years ago I was in a state of, shall we say, spiritual disorientation. A limbo between a very solid What Had Been and a blackly obscured and unknowable What Was To Be.