The tectonic plates edge closer, closer

This prompt is a line from the poem “Tonight” by Chad Bennett.

The tectonic plates edge closer, closer. If I let myself listen to the news, or even think about it too hard, this is how I feel about the state of our nation. The United States don't feel very united anymore. Students of history say they saw the fracture coming -- or maybe to keep the tectonic analogy going, it's an earthquake? Some kind of big upheaval, anyway. That's how it feels.

Over tea with a friend, I said: My own actions need to get way bigger, or way smaller. I don't know which. Maybe I'll just start stocking the Little Free Library with copies of the Constitution and plenty of banned books. I'll shift all my charitable giving to keeping a free press alive. And then what? I don't know. How about you?


Goodbye to…


This way and that